WIW review

I am looking at my WIWs from the past three+ years. I am struck by how much I shop all the time and yet how old all my clothes are.

Also, I think I need to start looking at my outfits. I am all over the place. In my head I'm doing one thing; the reality is another.

Or Quirky Waif is just Quirky Waif. I'll be dressing too young when I get old. I already am... :D

#1 - 2011 "I've come to fix your email"
#2 - 2012 "star wars dress"
#3 - 2013 "cropped sweater, silky tunic shirt"
#4 - 2014 "anime"
#5 - 2014 "folktale x-mas outfit"
#6 - 2014 "the elusive office country punk look"

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  • Dimity replied 9 years ago

    I enjoy seeing your outfits. They're quirky, and never boring, and that's a good thing!

  • Gigi replied 9 years ago

    Rachy, I always look forward to your outfit posts--both the outfits and the commentary. :) I really love your Star Wars outfit!

    You said that you think you're doing one thing in your head, but the reality is different. What was your dressing goal (what were you doing in your head?)?

  • Angie replied 9 years ago

    (Maybe you just wear your old clothes as much as your new clothes - and you don't replenish and refresh as often as you think?)

    Quirky Waif is Quirky Waif. She can be Folksy, Arty, Glam, Costumey, Country, Punk or Rock 'n Roll. Above all, she is ECCENTRIC. I say you're doing just fine. I love you in all these outfits. xo

  • rachylou replied 9 years ago

    Ah, Gigi!

    Well, ok. In 2011, I was in a sort of girl-next-door, hipster, feminine tomboy kind of mood. But basically, I just looked like I worked in IT.

    In 2012, I was thinking avant garde and steampunk and rocker thoughts; but look at the Star Wars dress... it's all desert organic.

    In 2013, my theme was "glamping," Laurel Canyon hipster, etc., and I sorta just produced Silicon Valley suburban.

    This past year, 2014, my refrain was "country punk," but I hit the look very very few times...

  • rachylou replied 9 years ago

    Angie, I might have to accept I cannot escape my own eccentricity. Your acceptance makes me feel a lot better. *Sad laugh.* Rofl. Ohmigosh. I'm soo nutty pup.

  • Angie replied 9 years ago

    EMBRACE your eccentricity, Rachy. It's authentic. 

  • Dimity replied 9 years ago

    Yeah! Enjoy it. The world doesn't need more lookalikes.

  • Momo replied 9 years ago

    I love your style ! Very quirky, very cool, and totally you.

  • Gigi replied 9 years ago

    Ha ha, I see now why you call pic 1 "I've come to fix your e-mail." I didn't think you worked in IT! I am laughing so hard.

    Rachy, I see your dressing style as just part of your overall personality. I don't know that I've ever met anyone with a more incredible sense of humor...and I think that your dressing style matches that humor. It's unexpected and off on a tangent...I love it! :)

  • Joy replied 9 years ago

    I love you outfit posts and humor. Yes, embrace the quirky. It is endearing.

  • Sara L. replied 9 years ago

    I like all these outfits and they are all still current today, which is really difficult to do. They seem to fit your personality if not your internal dialog.

  • Echo replied 9 years ago

    I am a huge fan of your eccentricity, and FWIW, I also love your "Star Wars" dress.

  • Firecracker (Sharan) replied 9 years ago

    I quite like the Star Wars dress. Do you still have it? I'd like to see how you would wear it now. (You can take that as a challenge if you wish, or ignore it, too!)
    Your posts and comments are always so fun to read. I think you are so funny and wise in equal measure, and I agree with others here that your style seems to reflect your unique way of seeing things. My favorites here are actually the last two, so perhaps I'm just really liking where you are lately with your style.

  • Debbie replied 9 years ago

    I like these outfits. Your quirkiness makes you you. Don't lose that.

  • Transcona Shannon replied 9 years ago

    I love all these outfits on you Rachy - they are authentic to you and that's why they work. You are wearing the outfit not the other way around. Acceptance is empowering.

    LOVE the Star Wars dress in particular.

  • rachylou replied 9 years ago

    Well, you guys make me feel better. But right, at this point, you can totally see it, right? I focus on being Quirky Waif... and come out every single day looking severe minimalist chic...

    Lol. No, I give up! That would never happen. I'll just continue with my themes. Old habits are hard to break!

  • rachylou replied 9 years ago

    Oh, I have just realised in a new way how I've inherited my dad's brain. My dad was all about gardening. Extremely well versed in garden design, he could also do all that grafting stuff and whatnot. He could get orchids to bloom in our climate. And, *like,* I don't buy lemons, I just go home.

    But his yard on the whole - sad scraggly trees and rusty trowels.

    Ok. That was OT :D

  • catgirl replied 9 years ago

    You are hilarious and your style is truly yours! Embrace it! I think you live out the fantasies more than most of us, and your imagination is an accessory of its own!

  • replied 9 years ago

    Rachy, don't ever change eh? Love all these outfits. So unique! I adore the star wars dress and the last outfit too. #3 is quite 2015 with the flares too. In fact all show such imagination and style.

  • deb replied 9 years ago

    Rachy, you are an Authentic Eccentric.

  • jackiec replied 9 years ago

    Awesome. I love them all. Esp the last one. You dress true to yourself and that shows. I love your posts and your replies :)

  • Roxanna replied 9 years ago

    Do not try to escape your own eccentricity! We have too much 'normal' in the world. Your quirky outfits are delightful and flattering. Love them (especially the last one and the folk dress!)

  • Suz replied 9 years ago

    What Jackie and Roxanna said. 

    Your quirky style is completely unique and that is the best thing ever. 

  • Jaime replied 9 years ago

    The description of your father's garden was not off topic! Yay for different ways of seeing the world.

  • CocoLion replied 9 years ago

    Gah… I remember #2 and I think it's still my favorite you wore, ever.  

  • unfrumped replied 9 years ago

    Well, I do like # 6 and hope it's quirky enough! I like how it fits your frame but is fluid, but has some quirky pattern mixing going on. Updated Quirk.

  • Caro in Oz replied 9 years ago

    You are very funny. I don't see IT guy when I look at #1, I see Bob Dylan - another quirky waif :) :) I love #6.

  • rae replied 9 years ago

    I really love your layers, Rachy! I don't see you as all over the place at all. And what IS in your head must be marvelous, indeed! 

  • Lucy replied 9 years ago

    Best dressed quirky waif ever! I love opening your posts, you do it so well.

  • Helena replied 9 years ago

    You nailed "country punk"; I didn't know it could be done! Love your creativity and sense of humor ... I think it would be a sad day to see you in severe minimalist chic anything ... :D

  • rachylou replied 9 years ago

    I'm having a panic attack. I really hope I haven't given away that white sweater in the last picture...

    re. Bob: I like to sing along with Bob. But Bob and I have different hair ;)

  • harmonica replied 9 years ago

    Now Quirky Waif, embrace Quirky Waif! I love how you express your ideas. Most of all I love Quirky Waif as is.

  • biscuitsmom replied 9 years ago

    Yours is a very unique style and I agree it is fabulous! Swooning over the shirt in #2 (star wars one?) I love it....you are one of a kind, kid. Don't change what makes you 'you' whatever direction that leads :)

  • replied 8 years ago

    Vos photos sont magnifique vous portez à merveille la chemise quelle classe

  • replied 8 years ago

    I LOVE your ensembles!!!!  You make everything look like it was meant to be worn that way and why aren't all of us wearing it that way too.  Your sense of humor also shines through in your posts/your comments.  

  • Cerinda replied 8 years ago

    You post nothing I do not absolutely adore.  More, please Please.  The Xmas outfit has my head in a whirl!

  • lyn67 replied 8 years ago

    Angie has right!  "EMBRACE your eccentricity, Rachy. It's authentic". We'll do the same:-)). I can remember some of these quirky outfits, LOL! Do not change a thing!

  • replied 8 years ago

    Yes rachylou we await your outfit of Christmas

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